Product 6/9
Fire-fighting pump unit to EN 12845
Fire extinguishing pump units according to the instructions of EN standard 12845. Fixed extinguishing equipment - Automatic sprinkler systems Our fire extinguishing pump system is an order product and it is calculated according to the fire engineering plan. A fire pump unit can have numerous assemblies depending on the water source. There can be 1 to 3 pumps. E.g.: Electric pump -- Main pump-- booster pump, submersible pump, etc -- The pump housing can be made of cast iron or stainless steel.
Diesel pump -- Power and other parameters are according to the fire engineering plan, --The diesel pump includes a diesel engine and a pump according to the fire engineering plan,
Jockey Pump -- Technical parameters according to the fire engineering plan.
Pump control panel --each pump in the pump system has its own control panel designed to control and monitor electric, diesel and Jockey pumps according to the instructions of EN standard 12845