• Automatic Voltage Regulators (AVR): AVRs ensure a steady and constant voltage from generators, protecting sensitive electrical devices and keeping production running smoothly.

  • Convert Volt-Amps (VA) to Watts (W)
  • Total power of AVR device is in Volt-Amps.
    Apparent power (VA) - a value equal to the product of the current strength (Amperes) and the voltage in the circuit (Volts). Measured in Volt-Amps.
    Active power (W) - a value equal to the product of the current strength (Amperes) and the voltage in the circuit (Volts) and the load factor (cos ?). Measured in Watts.
    Power factor (cos PF) - a value that characterizes the current consumer. In simple terms, this coefficient shows how much total power (Volt-Amp) is needed to solve the power (Watts) required to perform useful work into the current consumer. This coefficient can be found in the technical characteristics of current-consuming devices. In practice, it can take values from 0.6 (for example, a puncher) to 1 (lighting devices, etc.). Cos PF can be close to unity in the case when the current consumers are thermal (heaters, etc.) and lighting loads. In other cases, its value will vary. For simplicity, this value is assumed to be 0.8.
  • Active Power (Watts) = Apparent Power (Volt-Amps) * Power Factor (Cos PF)
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